Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What is a Fulbright?

I realized you may not be familiar with Fulbrights. Senator Fulbright's exchange program, signed into law by President Truman in 1946, is to "turn nations into people" by strengthening ties between countries through education. 

The fierce competition to win a Fulbright lasts an entire year. Similar to the Olympics, where one competes in areas like swimming or running, Fulbrighters compete in specific areas. Students with college degrees and foreign language fluency compete to teach English. Others compete to do research for doctoral degrees. The category called "Fulbright Scholar" (my wife) is for those who have a terminal degree (usually a doctorate) and they have a choice whether to teach in university, research, or both. 

The goal of the Fulbright is to strengthen cultural and educational ties with other countries and my wife, being who she is, already volunteered for several additional projects. Because of the holidays, we will tour for a few weeks until university classes begin. As we travel and familiarize ourselves with the country Terry will edit work for Jordanians who asked her for assistance with their articles and dissertations.

There are many resources available if you are interested in more details about the Fulbright.

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